Big : Architecture And Construction Details
BIG is an internationally operating creative group of architects, designers, urban and landscape planners, interior and product designers, researchers and inventors. The architecture of BIG is created on the basis of an observation of the environment and is suitable for a contemporary form of living. The secret of their architecture lies in the combination of utopia and pragmatism. This monograph shows how this can work. From small projects to a gigantic housing block, from urban space to museum - everything that makes urban architecture fascinating is included. This monograph presents 19 exciting projects from BIG's creative workshop. It invites to a new experience of architecture.
Product details
- Hardback | 192 pages
- 230 x 320 x 20.32mm | 1,338.1g
- 30 Jun 2022
- De Gruyter
- Edition Detail
- Berlin, Germany
- German
- Bilingual edition
- Bilingual
- numerous photos
- 3955535673
- 9783955535674