Lettering - From Formal To Informal: A Journeypen And Brush
After years of computer-produced, immaculate and uniform letterforms of all kinds, the demand has turned full circle and there is a call for personal, imaginative lettering. In this book, Rosemary Sassoon shows how to proceed from the very formal calligraphic style of lettering to much more informal and imaginative types of lettering. Filled with projects and illustrations of work produced in the various workshops she runs, she shows how anyone interested in lettering can produce lively and expressive letterforms. This book is suitable for beginners as well as more experienced calligraphers who want to free up their writing.
Product details
- Paperback | 112 pages
- 190 x 255 x 8mm | 381g
- 15 Jun 2010
- Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
- A & C Black Publishers Ltd
- London, United Kingdom
- English
- 200+, two colour throughout
- 1408112671
- 9781408112670